Cannabis Oil and Pain Management
I am in intense pain after breaking both of my legs in a fall involving a good deed, a little bit of unconsciousness around where my feet were and an attempt to sniff a passion fruit vine. It is a surprisingly balanced break - both tibial plateaus fractured at 1/4 inch- just small enough to not be permanently pierced by metal rods and pins but enough to cause extreme discomfort. I took the Percocet prescribed to me in the ER but I know by working with a lot of patients on opioids that this is not a road I want to go down. Besides, they make me nauseous and constipated, or what the ER doc called “a choice between the devil and a witch.”
Home in bed with more than enough time to contemplate pain, I dose myself with a large amount of cannabis oil - a 3:1 thc to cbd that Suzanne made from pure flower and MCT oil. I know our patients have done well controlling pain with our oils and concentrates, but it really is all about finding the right dose. I may have overdone it a bit - but you can’t harm yourself from taking too much cannabis oil - you’re just a bit silly.
But what I did start to notice was a strong buzzing sensation, receptors firing, almost a knitting feeling around my broken bones. It was like an energy field spinning around my knees. And no pain. Zero. I’ve noticed this before when taking small doses of indica - slight buzzing around areas in my body that need healing. Maybe the plant is just bringing attention to these parts. Maybe the pain receptors start firing. Or maybe healing is happening. I’m going to choose the latter because the mind is a powerful healing tool as well.