Naming that Tumor (so you can yell at it)

We highly recommend naming tumors, because it’s a good way to lighten the mood, negotiate with the unpredictable %#@&ers and empower cancer patients in what feels like a very out of control situation.

We’d like to share a testimonial from Yolanda, a Stage 4 brain cancer patient who had her latest scan a few weeks ago. FYI - she’s named her tumor “Bitch Betty.”

“I am a 47-year-old mom to three fantastic daughters and wife to my wonderful husband. After he found me on the floor in our home in January 2019, I woke up in the back of an ambulance, soon to be diagnosed with Stage 4 brain cancer (glioblastoma on top of my brain stem). After three weeks in the ICU, three brain surgeries, several rounds of chemo and 30 days of radiation, my brain tumor showed no signs of slowing itself. I had developed numerous new tumors and my doctors gave me the devastating news that I had a few weeks to live.

Refusing to give up so easily, I became a patient in Earth Alchemy Holistic Care’s cannabis caregiving program and started a cannabis oil protocol shortly after. Since actively taking CBD and THC FECO (full extract cannabis oil), my Stage 4 tumor began to stabilize and then stopped growing. The additional tumors faded to unidentifiable. I do not know where I would be today without this treatment.

At first, I was very scared about using THC and didn’t know what to expect. Suzanne was so caring and open to talking me through any questions or concerns I had. It has been 22 months since my diagnosis and this cannabis oil protocol has been the only medication I have been taking. My doctors have been both very pleased with my treatment, and at the same time, puzzled. My prognosis did not match up with what the scans keep showing.

Suzanne has been a lifesaver to me and as I said, available for any questions or dosing issues. All I can say is that she has given me more time with my family and more time to wait for a cure. I may have already found it.”

Take THAT Betty!

Justine AmodeoComment